If you’re wondering what mule Polly’s up to after the Lost Sea Expedition, come on over to my travel site RiverEarth.com. Of course, we’re running away again!
A Man. A Mule. America.
If you’re wondering what mule Polly’s up to after the Lost Sea Expedition, come on over to my travel site RiverEarth.com. Of course, we’re running away again!
Wow. A quarter of a million minutes. That’s how many minutes the Lost Sea Expedition, the TV series about my wagon voyage across America, has streamed on Amazon in the last 4 weeks. That translates into 13,859 unique streams.
Sooo… a wagon-sized thanks to everyone that’s tuned in to the series. An even bigger thanks to everyone who’s left a review. You can read and leave reviews here. These REALLY help mule Polly and I get the word out.
If you haven’t already, you can stream the series right here on Amazon.
Mule Polly and her wagon voyage across America recently featured in “The Horse” magazine. A great article for anyone who’s ever wondered what it’s like to take care of an equine on a long-distance voyage. From feet and feed to nosefiles, “The Horse” covered it. Continue reading ““The Horse” Magazine reports on the “Lost Sea Expedition””
Note: Program has been rescheduled to air July 29: Here’s your chance to prepare for your next adventure! Join “Carolina Hoofbeats” host Rose Cushing and me as we take a look at the voyage behind the “Lost Sea Expedition” TV series. You’ll meet mule Polly and tour the wagon she pulled from Canada to Mexico.
When: Sunday,July 29 / 7:30am
Where: Channel CW22 (Raleigh, NC)
Streaming: If you don’t catch it on TV, you can stream the episode on Roku’s “Farm and Ranch TV Network” (coming early August 2018)
The proposed wall with Mexico has been in the news a lot lately. Mule Polly and I ended the Lost Sea Expedition there. Actually on the Mexican side of the wall. See why this honkin’ barrier just isn’t practical. It’s Out Take 11 from Lost Sea Expedition TV series.
What did you have for breakfast? If you took care of a dinosaur, would you have the same breakfast as a retired lady bronc rider? Continue reading “Breakfast Sound Check”
“Polly’s tied up in the wind to a road sign that says “Pinon Creek Rd” – a road that leads from dust to more wind.”
That’s how the letter started. I posted it from a gravel truck crossing Crow Flats instead of the post office. Here’s a letter to the outside world from the Lost Sea Expedition wagon. Continue reading “Letter from the Lost Sea Expedition”
“Bernie…..have you lost your DAMN mind?” That’s what folk artist Charlie Frye said when I asked him to paint 30 paintings for the Lost Sea Expedition the series about my 14 month wagon mule voyage across America.
But I know Charlie’s about more than roosters, rusty trucks and bootleggers. Then Charlie started painting. Here’s more on how Charlie went from painting owls to dead fish.
One of the main reasons it took 14 months to travel across my mule Polly is that I relied on word of mouth – not technology – to find my way from Canada to Mexico.
I didn’t have a smartphone, GPS, wifi connection, digital maps or sat phone. Instead, I wanted to interact with people. That’s how I ended up on the receiving end of a sketch map and the giving end of three jars of honey.
Funny how a man and his mule can set out to find something – say a Creationist – and run in to something completely different – like a magnificent painter of album covers.
Some times, they’re the same man.