Kristi and Stacy Holland put mule Polly and me up for the night. They are truck drivers. Kristi isn’t driving any more. Stacy is. Toby, the St Bernard, is giving me the ‘Hey, I smell ham and beans on your breath and I didn’t get any…” look.
Day One: it started in Western NC and ended on a couch full of dogs and great human outside Nashville, TN. Thanks Krisit and Stacy for putting us up the first night on the road! This morning it’s back on the road with the truck and trailer and mule Polly. Headin’ to Colorado you know! Post Script: We found a place to spend the night. Thanks for the hay Fred.
Okay, as usual, I don’t know in advance where I’m spending the night with mule Polly. I’m leaving Nashville and should make it to somewhere between St Louis and Columbia. Hey, know anyone that can put up a man and his mule on the way through town…..? That’s Tuesday night. Contact me!Nashville is in the Stanley Cup. Who knew hockey and country music mixed. Here, Polly gives off a more traditional Country Music City vibe. She’s eating breakfast in Kristi and Stacy’s barn yard. No, I didn’t see any guys (or girls) with guitars serenading her.Wagon headquarters. The bleary eyed look is from sitting on that buckboard-buggy-hard Dodge seat all day yesterday. I’m just starting to write in my journal (see map above).