Heading to Colorado


Mule Polly and I are getting ready for a 1,500 mile road trip to Denver, CO. We live in Lenoir, NC.

In recent posts, I’ve alluded to getting mule Polly in shape for an upcoming trip. Pulling logs for firewood, driving her to the mailbox. Here’s the real reason I’m muscling her up. Mule Polly, the Lost Sea Expedition wagon and I are heading back to Colorado.

The Lost Sea Expedition, the 4-part series about my Canada to Mexico wagon voyage, has been chosen to premier on Rocky Mountain PBS.  I figured in the months leading up to broadcast, it would be great to take mule Polly and the wagon on the road in Colorado. Meet with folks where the Lost Sea Expedition series will run. Visit with underwriters and viewers. Give wagon tours. Hell, maybe even give some slide shows on the wagon awning.

Bernie and his mule Polly on the Colorado state line.
Mule Polly and I arrive in Colorado during the Lost Sea Expedition wagon voyage from Canada to Mexico. The 2,500 mile voyage took 14 months.

So when do I leave? Soon. I’m thinking it will take a few more days of  packing and tending to the farm. Then it’s time to hit the road!

Here’s the rig I’m hauling Polly out to Colorado aboard. Yep, that’s my trusty 1992 Dodge hauling a home made-(ish) trailer. You can see the yellow Lost Sea Expedition wagon aboard.

Right now, things are sort of crazy getting ready. The transmission on my Dodge just got rebuilt after a quarter century of faithful service. I need to a vet certificate for mule Polly to ease her way across state lines.  Still, I’ll be posting details of our voyage out to Colorado. Who knows, maybe we can catch up on the way!


2 Replies to “Heading to Colorado”

  1. Safe travels…Let us all know how it goes. I bet this type of mule-wagon fundraising hasn’t been done in a while.
    Best of luck to both of you. Come back with some money but no old style western bank hesting!

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