The talk about the Lost Sea Expedition series has been presented from Canada to South Dakota to Kansas to Texas. The latest one was waayyyy closer to home. Big howdy and thanks to the 60-plus folks that came out for the latest Lost Sea Expedition program. Hosted by the Friends of the Caldwell County Library, it was a great chance for folks to learn more about the voyage behind the Public TV series.

Thanks, too, to all the folks (muchas gracias Keith, Mary, Ronnie and all the others) that followed up with an online donation. You can see more photos from the voyage and event by clicking through.
Over the years, I’ve shared the Lost Sea Expedition talk in Canada and a handful of states. It’s always a rush to give one closer to home. It’s a chance to catch up friends who’ve attended earlier programs and meet other folks that are interested in the travel life.
What folks are interested in varies from year to year. This year, it seems tiny homes are hot. The wagon, with its 21-square foot interior, sure got folks talking about the size of their current home…and if they needed all that room they’re heating, cleaning and keeping the mortgage paid up.

The tiny Lost Sea Expedition wagon has spent most of its traveling life in some of America’s remotest regions – Canada, the South Dakota Badlands, the chalk beds of Kansas and the Chihuahua desert. So it was fun to let folks have a look inside without them having to meet me way out there in the middle of nowhere.
Here are a few photos from one of those programs on the road.

Thanks again to everyone that came out to our latest talk. We (Julia and I) were especially heartened by the folks that followed up their visit with a donation to toward Public Television broadcast of the Lost Sea Expdition TV series. We’d love if you made a donation, too. You can do so by clicking on the yellow “Donate” button at the top of the right hand column. Or you can just click through on this link.
See you at the next program!