Friday, May 26 7p Lost Sea Expedition program Oriental, NC

I’ve started many of my voyages in Oriental, NC, from a solo circumnavigation to a mule voyage across America. Join me at the The Old Theater, Friday, May 26, 7:30 – 8:30p (doors open 7p) for a program about the Lost Sea Expedition  Public TV series.  There’ll be sailing footage from my solo circumnavigation and how that inspired me to set off exploring the Lost Sea. Come learn about life in a solar powered prairie schooner, how the Lost Sea Expedition was filmed without a film crew and the best ways to chase down a mule. $5 (helping cover Public TV costs). No life jacket required.

In the meantime, here’s a great straight-off-the-boat-after-many-days-at-sea story (complete with photos of me sobbing) did shortly after I finished sailing alone around the world.

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