Polly Portrait

"Mule Polly" by animal painter Julia Carpenter (acrylic on board)
“Mule Polly” by animal painter Julia Carpenter (acrylic on board)

Recently, mule had her portrait painted by animal artist Julia Carpenter – aka The Bestiaryst. Julia did a great job capturing Polly’s expression, especially her eyes. It’s like Polly is saying, “hey, haven’t I pulled this wagon far enough? Wouldn’t this be a good time for a bite of grain?”

For some of Julia’s thoughts behind the painting, check out her article “An Awfully Good, One of a Kind, Un-proud Mule” at her site ConsideringAnimals.com

Thanks Julia!

Mule Polly looks at the camera in Laka Alma, Saskatchewan.
The photo that served as the basis of Polly’s portrait. The structure in the back ground is a grain elevator. No wonder Polly looks so enthusiastic.  (Lake Alma, Saskatchewan)


After Snowflake, all horses were easy

Bernie bucks his pony Snowflake
My first pony Snowflake. I taught her to buck just in time for the 1974 Christmas postcard. Not a smart move for a kid who struggled to stay on. This is a card I created for the community art site BeastField.com. Wilkes County, NC (Karen Cantor photo)

My friend Julia started the community art project BeastField.com. The gig is simple. Folks send in a photo of a beloved dead pet and a 6 word description.

I submitted Snowflake, the pony who still makes me duck every time I see a low peach branch. Continue reading “After Snowflake, all horses were easy”